When UrbanPromise International Board approved our dream to start LoveDriven Ministries, I was excited for a few minutes.  Less than an hour later, the true me, full of doubts, fears, and insecurities was alive.  I started asking questions from different angles:  Where are we going to raise funds to launch LoveDriven Ministries?  Is this really what God is calling us to do?  What if all this dream falls apart?  How are we going to respond to the failure?
Some of our girls and camp leaders on a college tour to prestigious universities in Malawi.
I remember more than once sitting down with my wife, Thoko, convincing her that it is OK if this whole ministry thing would scramble.
Over the last 10 months that Thoko and I have been serving with LoveDriven Ministries, there is one thing we have learned as a couple and as leaders: God provides for those who are faithful to His call.
Through our After School Programs, we have created safe spaces for our kids
Many people including you and your family, faithfully and with obedience responded to God’s call to support the mission of LoveDriven Ministries.  Thank you so much for your commitment to God’s call, you are a true definition of the Love of God
Those who struggled reading, they can read now.  Thanks for your support
Through your support:100 kids have been provided with a safe space to learn, dream and grow as responsible citizens through our After School Program.30 girls have been mentored, prepared to face their fears and challenges in our Girls Empowerment ProgramYour support also provided On-Job Training opportunities and work experience to 10 recent high school graduates through our Camp Leader ProgramThrough our prayers and financial commitment, we have managed to sponsor 3 college students as well as 8 high school students through our Sponsorship ProgramThrough your generous support, we have feed 130 kids and their families through our Feeding ProgramJobs, internship opportunities were created and most importantly, Jesus was shared with all our beneficiaries and staff. 
On July 1st, 2021, we started our second financial year, we are still believing that God is going to show up once again in tremendous ways. 
We have big dreams and big plans in this fiscal year, we cannot see them into reality by ourselves, we need you, even more, this year.  Our projected budget for the 2021-2022 fiscal year is $51,000.  Out of it, we thank God that UrbanPromise International has committed to supporting us with $16,650.  This means that we are remaining with $34,350.  We can do this; I have seen it happen before and I believe that together we will reach the goal as soon as possible.
Please, if you would like to partner with us this year again, leave me a note, and will share with you possible ways to support our work.  Can we count on you?

Happy 4th of July to you and your family all the way from Malawi.
Ishmael, Thoko, and Kimberly Adam
LoveDriven Ministries, Malawi
Click here to support the work of LoveDriven Ministries in Malawi
Top left:  Cross-section of our kids and girls during recreation time
Top right: Ishmael and camp leaders during one of the bonding moments at beautiful Lake Malawi.
Bottom: Ishmael, posing with two rival teams that rarely see each other eye to eye during one of the soccer tournaments.

By Ishmael Adam

Dear friend,

At this moment when COVID-19 and other animosities have frustrated the world almost in all fronts; economic, socially, political, and even in our faith; it is hard to find anything positive to channel our energy and thoughts onto.  The good news is, it is also in the moment like this that God continues to create beautiful stories in our lives.  Here is a story of hope to reflect on amidst this time of uncertainty

Ishmael graduates from Eastern University
On May 9th, 2020, I officially graduated from Eastern University with a Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership.  This was one of the days I had many emotions because I took a few minutes to reflect on the journey of my life.  I recalled how dilapidated the house I was sleeping 14 years ago affected my life when I was homeless and a street kid in the city of Lilongwe.  I also reflected on my life as a kid how I had to endure just to see the next day.    At the same time, it was one of the happiest days of my life because, on this day, I had added another milestone in my academic journey and became the first person in my community to graduate with a master’s degree on top of completing my fellowship training at Urban Promise School of Entrepreneurial Leadership (UPSEL).

"For my life to be where it is today, God has used many people from different parts of the world to invest in it".

Today, I would like to thank every person who has contributed to my life in one way or the other. 
In a special way, I dedicate my accomplishment to Urban Promise International community through YouthCare Ministries for rescuing me from the streets of Lilongwe and for giving me a future.

Please join me to create more of such stories of hope in the lives of many children and youth in my community through LoveDriven Ministries. 
Thank you so much and God bless you.

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