Every month, we take a group of 12-14 kids out on a special treat called Made On Thursday.
On Thursday, October 14th, we took 12 kids from our After School Program to Kuti Wildlife Reserve where we saw different wild animals such as giraffes, sables, monkeys, etc.
Kids enjoyed seeing all these animals closer since they have been seeing or reading about them in their schoolbooks.
As a ministry, we believe that through experiential learning, our kids are exposed to a different world view beyond what they see every day that will enhance their desire to dream limitlessly.
SPECIAL REQUEST: As we are getting into our second quarter of the year, we have realized that our resources are lagging behind. Please, prayerfully consider blessing us with a gift of any size for us to continue serving our kids and the community. Click donate button here.
LoveDriven Ministries:
One of the elderly mothers smiled after receiving a special gift. 17 years ago, a day after Mothers’ Day, October 16th, a huge part of my life was lost, I lost my mother to a long illness. Since then, my life has not been the same. I have learned a lot of lessons right in the street that I would have been taught by a loving mother. Over the years, I have been blessed by many women who have shown motherly love to me; but the truth is, a day has never passed by, not even a single day I have not wished my mother was alive. ![]() Some of the elderly mothers and their representatives standing for a photo all in brand new Mothers' Day cloth. My mother was loving, caring, and a fighter. She raised 8 of us with little resources, and she never abandoned us until her last breath. She could not send us to school, but she always trusted in our potential. As one way of remembering her life, through the Ministry that my family serves, Love Driven Ministries, we organized a Mothers’ Day special celebration in her honor. ![]() To the Best Mom ever indeed. We shared lunch, assorted groceries, and a beautiful Mothers’ Day cloth to 15 elderly women in my village. These women are not my biological mothers, but they hold a special place in my heart because just like my mother, they all go the extra mile to take care of their children. They also hold a special place in our ministry because we believe that the success of our kids depends on a stable society which each one of these elderly mothers has contributed over the years. THE CLIMAX OF THE DAY At the end of the day, we hosted a soccer tournament where I shared with the crowd how special it is to have a mother in their lives. I urged them that as young men and women, we need to respect, love, and take care of our mothers or whosoever plays a motherly role in their lives while they are alive because they are a blessing from God; today they are with us, tomorrow, they might not be there. ![]() Through soccer, the message of love was shared. Through soccer, we shared our talents and most importantly, the love of Jesus Christ was manifested through actions; all because our mothers once took a bold step to keep us alive to this very day. I cannot point at the face of my mother today if she were to stand there, but my heart will always hold her so dearly, jealously, and so close to the end of my life because through her love, I have learned to understand a little of Jesus' love to humanity. Please, let’s love them, they are here today, gone tomorrow. HAPPY MOTHERS’ DAY TO ALL MOTHERS Ishmael, Thoko, Kimberly, and baby Kayden Bruce. LoveDriven Ministries, Malawi ![]() ![]() Visit our website here take a few minutes to read our Bicycle Project report here. DONATE NOW |
When UrbanPromise International Board approved our dream to start LoveDriven Ministries, I was excited for a few minutes. Less than an hour later, the true me, full of doubts, fears, and insecurities was alive. I started asking questions from different angles: Where are we going to raise funds to launch LoveDriven Ministries? Is this really what God is calling us to do? What if all this dream falls apart? How are we going to respond to the failure? |
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Some of our girls and camp leaders on a college tour to prestigious universities in Malawi. |
I remember more than once sitting down with my wife, Thoko, convincing her that it is OK if this whole ministry thing would scramble. Over the last 10 months that Thoko and I have been serving with LoveDriven Ministries, there is one thing we have learned as a couple and as leaders: God provides for those who are faithful to His call. |
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Through our After School Programs, we have created safe spaces for our kids |
Many people including you and your family, faithfully and with obedience responded to God’s call to support the mission of LoveDriven Ministries. Thank you so much for your commitment to God’s call, you are a true definition of the Love of God |
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Those who struggled reading, they can read now. Thanks for your support |
Through your support:100 kids have been provided with a safe space to learn, dream and grow as responsible citizens through our After School Program.30 girls have been mentored, prepared to face their fears and challenges in our Girls Empowerment ProgramYour support also provided On-Job Training opportunities and work experience to 10 recent high school graduates through our Camp Leader ProgramThrough our prayers and financial commitment, we have managed to sponsor 3 college students as well as 8 high school students through our Sponsorship ProgramThrough your generous support, we have feed 130 kids and their families through our Feeding ProgramJobs, internship opportunities were created and most importantly, Jesus was shared with all our beneficiaries and staff. |
On July 1st, 2021, we started our second financial year, we are still believing that God is going to show up once again in tremendous ways. We have big dreams and big plans in this fiscal year, we cannot see them into reality by ourselves, we need you, even more, this year. Our projected budget for the 2021-2022 fiscal year is $51,000. Out of it, we thank God that UrbanPromise International has committed to supporting us with $16,650. This means that we are remaining with $34,350. We can do this; I have seen it happen before and I believe that together we will reach the goal as soon as possible. |
Please, if you would like to partner with us this year again, leave me a note, and will share with you possible ways to support our work. Can we count on you? Happy 4th of July to you and your family all the way from Malawi. Ishmael, Thoko, and Kimberly Adam LoveDriven Ministries, Malawi |
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Top left: Cross-section of our kids and girls during recreation time Top right: Ishmael and camp leaders during one of the bonding moments at beautiful Lake Malawi. Bottom: Ishmael, posing with two rival teams that rarely see each other eye to eye during one of the soccer tournaments. |
On Saturday, May 1st, 2021, we closed the first term of our After School, Girls Empowerment and Feeding Programs. The past 4 months have been super hard for us as a ministry, but God has seen us through. Thanks so much to each one of you who have supported us in many ways such as finances, prayers, and wisdom. We appreciate your support, kindness, and generosity. Special thanks should also go to our team for working super hard in the past 4 months. Next week we are debriefing all our activities and from 10-14 of May, we will have a family week break. Please, continue praying for us. For more information and to donate, please visit: You can also contact us at for further information.
Growing up in the city of Lilongwe; injustices, sufferings, and indoctrination to unethical and unacceptable behaviors were part of my life. As a child, I suffered enough that I do not wish to see any child suffering like that in my watch.
The worst part of my childhood was not necessarily physical suffering, but it was emotional bankruptcy. Growing up I could not define who I was, to whom did I belong, and I could not tell if my life had any meaning at all. In short, I lost my identity; I lost the meaning and purpose of life. And that was the worst part of my life because I believed that I was voiceless, unempowered, and unwanted by society.
But my story changed on one of the most desperate days of my life when a stranger found me contemplating why I even exist? Despite the fact she never knew me, this strange guardian angel indeed did something so strange to me; instead of promising me what I needed at that point (food); she attentively and passionately listened to my story. After I finished narrating my story; she introduced me to YouthCare Ministries, an organization that changed the trajectory of my life for the glory of God.
Friends, there are hundreds of children and youth in my village who are just waiting for you to hear their story and take a small act of kindness and love to uplift them and have their stories change more lives. I would like to ask you to prayerfully consider joining me in the journey of helping kids' stories be heard. Please talk to me, I am going to share with you how you can do that.
You can also bless a child by donating a $25, $30, $75, or $100 here at or
When we were starting this year, we discovered that the number of beneficiaries in our different programs went down drastically. This made us call for an emergency meeting to find out the reason behind the hit. It was in the same week when the government of Malawi announced that all schools should be closed down indefinitely due to the increase in the number of COVID-19 cases. |
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On January 18, 2021, we embarked on a journey of visiting each one of our kids at their homes. One challenge that needed immediate action was discovered: Families had no food to feed their kids and let alone to keep them in school. |
Through the generosity and love of UrbanPromise International, on Saturday, February 20th, 2021, we shared: - 25 kgs of maize (corn), -0.5 liters of cooking oil, -5 packets of soya meat, and -500grams of the salt. With $1,000 98 families were fed and most of them are extended families that are made up of more than 4 children. Can you imagine? $1,000 feeding more than 300 people? Friend, one thing that I have learned from this exercise is that "the impact of love-based generosity is immeasurable. |
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Though we did not share the gospel with each one of them, one thing I am assured of is that "Where generosity takes lead, the door to proclaim the name of Jesus is widened significantly". |
The truth is, the food we shared with them might not be enough for the whole month, but it will remind our beneficiaries and the community of the fact that someone somewhere thinks and prays for them and they are willing to walk alongside them in this difficult moments. Special thanks should go to Bruce Main and the entire UrbanPromise International leadership team for the timely gift of food items shared with my community. |
On behalf of my entire community, I would like to thank all our supporters, donors, and partners for standing with us in this difficult season. Friends, we are hoping and praying to share food items again this month, would you please join our efforts? A gift of $20 will help us to provide 25 kgs of maize, some salt, soya meat, and cooking oil to one family. Please, kindly, follow this link to donate Stay safe, Ishmael and Thoko |
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Top left: Ishmael and Maxwell standing with the chiefs Top right: L. D. M team prep meeting prior to the event. Bottom: One of the kids and his mother posing after receiving the food items |
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As the schools are still closed; we have channeled our time and resources in the After School Program doing home visits. Today, we visited a few more families of our kids. It was great to encourage and share with them the stories of hope since most of them have no idea whether they will go back to school or not. On top of that, the Girls Empowerment team had a special guest who spoke about Boy-Girl Relationships and their consequences on their education.
Watipatsa, a Secondary School teacher at Msalura Community Day Secondary School was a blessing to our girls today. Her passion for mentoring young girls is amazing and a blessing to our team. Please, consider supporting our efforts especially our girls; most of them are on the verge of dropping out of school if we don’t show up for them.
A gift as much as $15 (K10,000) will help us to keep these girls out of early marriages and see them through Secondary School and college. Follow this link to support our effort:
In Malawi, talk to us on how to support our work locally. If you want to partner with us to sponsor one of our kids for a period of time, follow this link: LoveDriven Ministries: Love|Learn|Lead| @ Love Driven Ministries
Ishmael Adam
Greetings friend,
I believe that by now you might be aware that we have 2 fellows who have joined us at the beginning of this month.
Today I would like to introduce to you one of them. Meet Veronica Mbeya. Vero (as we call her) is a graduate of African Bible College class of 2019 and she graduated with a bachelor of arts in Christian Leadership and Community Development. While in college, Vero served with different campus ministries including Live Love Malawi where she was a student team leader.
In addition, Vero has a story that she is excited to share with girls in the community. As a young female Christian leader who is passionate about empowering girls and community development, I would like to share with you that Vero is serving with us as the Director of Girls Empowerment and Community Engagement. We believe that her love for the Lord and passion to see girls' lives and communities transformed will help her serve in this capacity well and faithfully.
When I asked her vision for the girls in the community; this is what she said: "I want to see the girls being independent, have passion for school and I would like to see many of them going to college and empowering other girls".
Vero's favorite Bible verse is Hebrews 11:1.
Please, say a prayer for her and give a shoutout to her as she is on this journey of service and growth.
LoveDriven Ministries: Love| Learn| Lead| Pic credit:
LoveDriven Ministries media team
For donations, please click here:
Ishmael Adam, ED
Two weeks ago, my family and I moved from the States to Malawi. Though our trip had many dramas, lessons, and fears, there is one thing we are so grateful for; we made it home safely. |
Just as we were eager to see our families, they were also anticipating seeing us after 2 years of not seeing each other physically. Though COVID-19 could not let us have a chance to see and meet all our family members and friends freely, we are so appreciative of the opportunity to be home with the people we love so much. |
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Did I share with you that we are ready to serve the community? I hope I did because if I did not, then this is me sharing with you that WE ARE READY TO SERVE THE COMMUNITY Last week, my team (board of directors) and I worked tirelessly to apply for the incorporation. I am super excited that on Friday our paperwork was submitted and being reviewed now and if all goes well, we will have our certificate of incorporation ready by the end of this week. Please, take a minute to pray for the success of this process. |
Though we have been working on paperwork almost every day since we arrived in Malawi, my heart was so excited when Thoko and I held a successful Community Re-assessment meeting with the headteacher of the primary school we will partner with. Thoko and I did a 20-minute oral presentation of our vision and desire to partner with the school to introduce After School Program and Girls' Empowerment Program at the school. The good news is; the headteacher was so excited with our vision and he went further to share with us some of the challenges that children and youth especially girls face at the school of which lack of role modeling is the main one. |
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At the end of the meeting, we agreed to set up a consultation meeting this Wednesday with School Committee, Parents Teacher Association, and Motherhood Group. |
Prayer requests: The president of Malawi has announced that schools will be open the first week of September, please pray that we should be ready by then to start serving the kids in the community. Pray that we should be able to have volunteers to join our team before we commence or programs. Pray also that we should find a house to rent to be used as office space as well as a place to accommodate our volunteers. Pray that people in my community understand our vision, embrace it, and run with it alongside us. Lastly, pray for the protection and good health of our family as we are serving the kids in our community. Thank you, so much for your prayers and your financial support to my family and LoveDriven Ministries, we cannot do this by ourselves, we need you this time more than ever. Peace, Ishmael Adam, Founder |
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Dear friend, Today, July 6th marks 56 years since Malawi, also known as the “Warm Heart of Africa” got its independence from the British colony. Since 1964, each year, Malawians gather in solidarity, hope, and anticipation for a better tomorrow to celebrate this gift of independence. Over the past 13 months, Malawi has experienced one of the darkest seasons in the history of the country politically, socially, and economically. Our small and poor nation was at pause due to the political unrest. Almost every day, citizens were on the streets of our already dilapidated cities and semi-towns demonstrating and looting to demand political justice due to the irregularities linked with May 21st, 2019 tripartite elections. A few months ago, Malawians got what we needed; political justice after both constitutional and supreme courts nullified the 2019 presidential elections and ordered the country's electoral commission to administer fresh presidential elections within 150 days. On June 23rd, 2020, Malawians from all walks of life went to the polling centers to cast their votes. Today, on July 6th, 2020, Malawi 6th president has been inaugurated. Though Malawi's political maturity is up for discussion, there is one thing that I am sure of: Malawians no longer entertain mediocracy, incompetence, and injustice. And this assures me of one more thing; Malawi is ready for a change after 56 years of independence. As a devoted citizen, I understand that I have a role to play for this change to come into reality. This is the reason why I am ready and excited to go back home and be part of this change in my community through the vision of LoveDriven Ministries For us to be part of this change we need your help. Please join me in orchestrating this long-awaited change. If you have not yet committed to supporting us, please do so by giving one time gift or by committing to support us either monthly or annually. Thank you so much, for your prayers and support all the times and God bless you. Please join me to celebrate Malawi’s 56th anniversary. Long Live Malawi!!!!!!!!!!!! Peace, Ishmael. |